Saturday, September 10, 2011

Go the F**k to Sleep

Disclaimer:  If you have your kids with you, please do not click on the video/audio links as they have a lot of expletives.

I first learned about this book long before it was released.  A friend in Boston posted a picture on her Facebook wall.  From thereon, I knew I just need to have this book!  It is not a children's book - it is a children's book for adults!

It's witty, funny and it envelopes the sentiments of parents who work so hard but are faced with overly active kids at night.  Of course most will not voice this out to their kids! 

Samuel Jackson did the audio book.  He's perfect!  I love him!

Here is a video of a grandmother who reads it in gusto albeit the shock for every expletive she sees.  Tears were in my eyes all throughout.  Too much laughing! Grandma is charming. :)


  1. And I do have to keep reminding Portia NOT to ask for this book at school. --Tag

  2. you just gotta have one of those books! SERIOUSLY! What with 2 little energizer bunnies, It's what you need!! -- ryan
