Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Quick Hello!

I would shout out that I am BACK (again) but, heck, saying that and blogging after 2 weeks would be embarrassing.  Heh.  So can I say I am back-ish and that I miss all three readers of my blog?  LOL!

It has been a crazy ride.  It still is actually.  From moving to a new house to surviving life  without a nanny to a crazy WFH  <--> looking after the kids while making sure the deliverable are covered.  It has been C.R.A.Z.Y!  I am happy we are surviving!

I can't tell how the whole experience has given me more patience.  Crazy drivers bother me less (it still happens, you will know in the next blog).  Series of unfortunate events hardly even moves me.  The universe does not conspire against me.  They are busy doing that to somebody else. 

Maybe I am being more patient... or maybe I am just doing great in mastering the art of tuning out. 

Anyhow... I hope to touch base more often now.  Sending you tropical cheers from the sunny Philippines.

Oh and hey, while we are on the subject, doesn't this feel true?  Somebody turn the A/C on!!

Not mine.  I saw this at the "I Love Philippines" FB page.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Notebook -- Nicholas Sparks

Ever since we had our cable TV back, I've been catching up on my movies.  Prior to this, and just right having kids, I was left to watch ONLY cartoon films in the silverscreen.  My daughters always join us when we go out.  I know it's not entirely healthy relationship-wise but that's another topic to write about.

So this evening, I arrived home after the girls fell asleep.  I caught up with more chick flicks in WarnerTV.  Tonight, it was an adaptation of one of my favorite books.  The Notebook.  This is one of those movies that wasn't afraid to get the limelight from the published book.  I love both.  Of course, the book will always have a special space in my heart.

 but the movie is equally enticing.

Let's just say that the phrase "Take a Box Of Kleenex" isn't really applicable here.  If you are watching this (or reading the book) for the first time, be sure you have a bath towel handy.  You need that much to wipe the tears away.

The screenplay's a killer.  The lines melt and breaks your heart.

If you have not read the book, I suggest you do that first.  It is also a pain to not see this movie.  Go watch it.

With that, I leave you with my favorite line from the book:

“The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected. Maybe they always have been and will be. Maybe we've lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them we've found each other. And maybe each time, we've been forced apart for the same reasons. That means that this goodbye is both a goodbye for the past ten thousand years and a prelude to what will come.” 
Happy weekend!