Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day. - Pots, Pans and All

I used to have these thoughts of grand gestures of Mother's Day. It's Mommy's day, we get to celebrate with the whole family over a festive yet quiet lunch somewhere fancy. Maybe even a quick stroll in the park so I can take great snapshots of the girls and their Dad while they play. Maybe some pampering time, my tired and sad feet needing their much needed treatment.

Instead, my day was mostly about washing pots and pans, moping the floor and re-moping them when the girls spilled their drinks for the nth time. Cleaning the bathroom (that's soooo long overdue). My day was mostly about hearing the kids argue and keeping them from biting each other's heads off. Boy, I can tell you that that is NOT fun! 

We did have a movie afternoon. Watched The Incredibles one and a half times (yes, encore!). Ate fast food, popcorn and had soda pop until we couldn't have sugar anymore.  I heard the kids laugh while they bounce and run, while Violet and Dash find their way out of the forest.

Now I sit here on my bed while i look at the girls sleep and watch my husband play video game for a night cap. I can say that my day's awesome no matter what happens. I did not have the grand gestures, the pampering and all. I did get one thing right.  I spent the day with the family - the reason why I celebrate my day.  I'm cool! As my daughter said over and over yesterday, it is the BEST.DAY.EVER!!

I hope you had a great mother's day!


  1. Happy Mother's Day to all Mommies out-there and to you Mom as well. and I wish you more birthday's to come and I look forward seeing you on Commex, Sis:)

  2. Happy Mother's day to you too.. it was a rather quiet one for me this year.
