Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Fairy Tale

My daughter, Pot, was in fairy tale land for the last couple of months.  She was asked by her godmother, Candice, to be one of the flower girls to her wedding. From the time that measurements were made to get her gown done, she was looking forward to the event.  The culmination was yesterday afternoon, the day of the wedding. 

Pot's expectation did not fail.  It was the closest we were to a fairy tale... the closest to saying "...and they lived happily ever after."

Picture taken by my bestfriend Joyce

Candice is one of my close friends.  She knows me and has first-hand information to anything and everything in my life.  She is a sister, a kumare, a good friend and a trusted confidant.  Joyce, Candice and I have been a lot together - from being a set of single girls who had interest with guys that turned out to be gay, married or just plain old pain in the romp, to women living separate lives.  Despite all that, we have remained friends - we always long to see each other.

I miss them everyday.

When I was introduced to Daryl, I knew he IS a nice guy.  He exudes a personality of somebody you can be friends with no matter what.  He matches Candice's good heart.  I am happy they have found each other.  I never doubted that they are God's gift to each other.  

"Everything I do is on my way to meeting you..."

For Daryl and Candice,  I'd like to have you listen to this lovely song.  Congratulations again.  God bless both of you.

So often as I wait for sleep
I find myself reciting
The words I've or should have said
Like scenes that need rewriting
The smiles I never answered
Doors perhaps I should have opened
Songs forgotten in the morning

I relive the roles I've played
The tears I may have squandered
The many pipers I have paid
Along the roads I've wandered

Yet all the time I knew it
Love was somewhere out there waiting
Though I may regret a kiss or two

If I had changed a single day
What went amiss or went astray
I may have never found my way to you

If I had changed a single day
What went amiss or went astray
I may have never found my way to you

I wouldn't change a thing that happened
On my way to you...


  1. lovely how these special events look like something out of the movies for little girls.

    beautiful wedding. congratulations.

  2. Aww, lovely wedding and your young lady is adorable!
