Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Potty Training Sticker Chart

We have never been successful on potty training my four-year old.  For some reason, she resisted on using the john.  We've tried different techniques... she chose different potty trainers but nothing worked.  We've gone from explaining to begging to threatening (not really) but she still refuses.  The diaper rack was empty on one occasion and we thought about not replenishing for a day.  Hearing her cry was heartbreaking; she tried going to the bathroom a few times but no soap. Towards the evening, we gave in and bought new diapers.  I was just too scared that she will get sick.

So it went on and on.  Everyday, I would talk to Pot about the benefits of being diaper-free.  How it will help her in so many ways - hygiene, convenience (she is in K-garten), money savings that she can use somewhere else.  I went to the extent of showing her how much a pack of diaper is and how she can get her favorite toy with the savings we'll get of her using the toilet.  That gets her excited but somehow it won't sustain.

My daughters and I were surfing Youtube the other night to look for Barney and Elmo songs before they sleep.  We caught a number of videos that was very interesting. 

Elmo talks about understanding emotions on putting down a pacifier. The girls were glued to the screen. They even danced along with it.

It was then followed by a video that gave me an idea.  In the video, they showed a sticker chart (Pot loves crafts!).  Each time Elmo does not use his pacifier, a sticker gets attached to his chart. 

We made a similar one today.  Once the chart is completed, she will get a Barbie house that Pot asked for.  It sounded like it will be a hit!  Wish us luck.  

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